
Saturday, February 16, 2019

Evolutionary Attitudes :: essays research papers

In To Kill A Mockingbird, Harper Lee describes a time when favoritism was extremely common. In the fictional society of Maycomb County, we batch see the yokelish forms of favoritism emerge through definition of societal classes due to wealth, undercoat and association, as well as the predominant theme of racism towards African Americans. Although in present day Victoria, the subjects of discrimination en itemizeered are different, societys attitude and response to these flaws are much the same. In Victoria, the homeless conundrum as well as youth stereotypes present huge venues for discrimination at heart society. In addition to this, Aboriginals and oriental demographics are segregated by society due to colour and culture. Although civilized society has evolved between Maycomb and Victoria, presenting twown(prenominal) communities with different challenges, it has not broken free of the engrained discriminatory behaviour within each of its foundations. The discrimination f aced by families such(prenominal) as the Cunninghams, in To Kill A Mockingbird, was based upon societys emphasis upon social class. As with the Cunninghams, many families were hit very hard by the depression, and gum olibanum were not as wealthy as many other families in the community. Therefore, families such as these were offered little respect by other parts of the Maycomb community based on their wealth or associations. Maycombs high society looked upon some of its neighbours as below themselves. Maycomb sees these people as a burden. According to inherent honoured codes within society, the importance and meaning of such beautiful breeding has been ignored, making these people less than those who come from fine families . In cases such as the Cunninghams , members of the community who do not fall within the parameters of a fine family are objectified. An example of this can be seen when Walter Cunningham, a schoolmate of templets, is invited over for dinner. He aint company Cal, hes just a Cunningham- hush your mouth Dont matter who they are, anybody sets foot in this put forwards yo company, and dont you let me catch remarkin on their slipway like you was so high and mighty Yo folks might be bettern the Cunninghams but it dont count for nothing the way youre disgracing em (p. 24) As Calpurnia points out to Scout that the Cunninghams, despite societys belittlement of such families, it does not give anyone the redress to act superior. Although families such as these are not restricted from interaction from society, they are nonetheless victims of societys prejudices.

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