
Saturday, February 16, 2019

decriminalize drugs Essay -- essays research papers

One the many a(prenominal) controversies in our country today, regards the prohibition of iniquitous narcotics. Deemed unhealthy, hazardous, and even fatal by the authorities that be the U.S. giving medication has say to wage a contend on doses. It has been roughly fifteen age since this initiative has begun, and each year the government shuffles more money into the dirty cause of drug prohibition. Even after all of this, the problem of drugs that the government sees still exists. The prohibition of drugs is a constitutional anomaly. There are many aspects and sides to look at the issue from, but the glaring inefficiency current laws egest is that any human should have the right to ingest anything he or she desires. The antagonist on the other end believes that by doing so sanatorium would result because of the ingestion of said substances. This purely speculation, and we have seen in the taradiddle of man that this has never occurred nor is at that place reason to belie ve it allow for get this date.Many proponents of the current drug laws claim that legalisation and/or decriminalization would in turn increase the number of drug users. If a drug is legalized/decriminalized, the price will fall and the quantity of demand will rise. The leaven from prohibition suggests we can expect two broad patterns of response if legalization occurs. First, there will be a small rise in consumption, which will take place to some extent across the spectrum of consumers. community who had never used drugs may choose to use them. Secondly, there will be a change in the nature of the drugs used and in the way in which they will be used. Specifically, there will be a move toward less(prenominal) intensive drug forms and less scurrilous patterns of use. When drugs are illegal, more damaging drugs drive come in less damaging ones. In jurisdictions that liberalize their drug laws, this process will reverse itself. The demonstration on this from Prohibition is uneq uivocal as soon as go up occurred, the consumption of hard liquor dropped by more than two-thirds. In addition, there was a massive shift from higher potency liquor toward the lower-proof varieties of liquor.The ample majority of all people, addicts and alcoholics included, do not consume drugs as a means of destroying their lives. Nor do they consume them intending to become addicted to them. Abuse and addiction are the adverse consequences that sometimes occur when drugs are ... ...its goal and at this rate we as a nation will run out of money long before it does ever come close. The real cataclysm of this situation are those who suffer, and those are the ones incarcerated. From the Bureau of Justice Statistics, in 1997 3 out of 4 state and 4 out of 5 federal official prisoners may be characterized as an alcohol or drug tangled offender. The percentage of those in prison for drug offenses was 54.8% in 2002. Prisons are overcrowding and it seems less money is being put into t hem. Prison sentences are being reach out everyday and the average length of those put in for drugs has duplicate from 1986 to 1999. The rehabilitation of these criminals is almost nonexistent. The culture inside of prison hardly reinforces the retrieval of the inmates, instead it breeds a criminal culture from which it s hard to escape.In conclusion, the governments war on drugs has not been successful to date, and shows no sign of victory in the future. I think it that is about time we reconsider what values we hold high and take a piece look at the damage that already has been done by the war on drugs. What it comes down to is personal freedom and the constitutional anomaly that destroys it.

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