
Monday, February 11, 2019

Why ANZAC day should never be forgotten :: Australia Australian History

Anzac day is part of Australia, its history, its nationhood and its people. From the day the inaugural AIF (Australian Imperial Force) was created in WW1 to nowadays in 2008 with the war in Iraq. Australia has proved herself time and time once again to the world by showing the true bravery of her people. Australia is a puppylike nation and only underwent federation in 1901 and 14 years subsequently faced a major crisis. The July Crisis of 1914 where a 19 year sexagenarian terrorist, a member of the black hand a Serbian terrorist organisation, go at point blank range Archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife while they were on a visit to Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia. This ignited the fuse of one of the deadliest wars that the hide out has ever seen. The Austro-Hungarian Empire took this as a chance to declare war on Serbia. Germany backed up the Austro-Hungarians decision and almost constrained them to declare war quickly on Serbia, which Austro- Hungary did. Russia began to m obilise her armys to aid in Serbias defence. Germany in fear of encirclement by allied forces began to activate the Schiliffen Plan in which Germany forced its way round France through Belgium. When Germany polish uped Belgium, England which had a treaty signed with Belgium began to mobilise her ships. This is when Australia received the deal of duty from Europe. People began to rejoice and enlistment started immediately with a extensive number of people signing up within days the 1st AIF was raised and equipment was bought. Australia gave control of the unit and its Navy over to England and it was decided after the troops were trained that they were to be deployed to Cairo where they underwent more training for harsher climates. looking for at the diary entries of these young men in the AIF you can comprehend that they were eager to look out for one another and ready for the attack and all were in high spirits and happy the night earlier the tragic set down. Some people say that here is where Australia underwent its baptism by blast and learnt through the harshness and hell of war about being a nation and a united people. Many were killed in the tragic landing but besides this A.N.Z.A.C troops were harsh, quick and brutal as in short as they scrambled up the beach head began to make a bold and courageous charge at the enemy bayonets sharpened and at the ready.

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