
Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Proportions Of Numbers And Magnitudes :: essays research papers

Proportions of Numbers and MagnitudesIn the Elements, Euclid devotes a book to orders (Five), and he devotes abook to numbers (Seven). Both magnitudes and numbers represent quantity,however magnitude is continuous while number is discrete. That is, numbers atomic number 18composed of building blocks which displace be affaird to divide the whole, while magnitudes pilenot be distinguished as parts from a whole, therefore numbers can be moreaccurately compared because there is a standard unit representing genius ofsomething. Numbers allow for measurement and degrees of ordinal position by which one can better compare quantity. In short, magnitudes tell youhow oft there is, and numbers tell you how many there are. This is cause fordifferences in comparison among them.Euclids definition five in Book Five of the Elements states that " Magnitudesare said to be in the same ratio, the first to the second and the threesome to thefourth, when, if any equimultiples any(prenominal) be interpreted of the first and third, andany equimultiples whatever of the second and fourth, the motive equimultiplesalike exceed, are alike equal to, or alike bloodline short of, the latterequimultiples respectively taken in corresponding order." From this it followsthat magnitudes in the same ratio are proportional. Thus, we can use thefollowing algebraic proportion to represent definition 5.5(m)a (n)b (m)c (n)d.However, it is necessary to be more specific because of the way in which thedefinition was worded with the phrase "the former equimultiples alike exceed,are alike equal to, or alike fall short of.". Thus, if we take any fourmagnitudes a, b, c, d, it is defined that if equimultiple m is taken of a and c,and equimultiple n is taken of c and d, thence a and b are in same ratio with cand d, that is, a b c d, only if(m)a > (n)b and (m)c > (n)d, or(m)a = (n)b and (m)c = (n)d, or(m)a < (n)b and (m)c < (n)d.Though, because magnitudes are continuous qu antities, and an detailed measurementof magnitudes is impossible, it is not possible to say by how much one exceedsthe other, nor is it possible to determine if a > b by the same come that c >d.Now, it is important to realize that taking equimultiples is not a rill to seeif magnitudes are in the same ratio, but rather it is a condition that definesit. And because of the phrase "any equimultiples whatever," it would be correctto say that if a and b are in same ratio with c and d, then any one of the three

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